In Cobains Defence...
Kurt Cobain WASN'T a bisexual, though he was a Herioin addict. He had stomache pain's, which was probably the reason he used Heroin so much, and his bitch of a wife Courtny (sp? eh who gives a fuck she was a whore anyway you spell it), wasn't really helping. He killed, (or didn't, I can't make up my mind since it's pretty much an on going debate), himself with a shotgun, even though he had so much heroin in him that he wouldn't have been able to pull the trigger, or should have. Most Nirvana fan's probably know most of this already, shite, I grew up listening to Kurt. I was pretty much raised by MTV, and Nirvana was like the parent I never had, so I've got alot of respect for Kurt Cobain, even though I never met him, (how could I respect a man I've never met? I don't know).
Either way the movie was alright, little movement other than the lypsyncing and the hand moving up and down the fret's, I thought it was alright...